by John Freedman
Originally posted Feb 6, 2020
Reposted on Contemplating Crete with different photos April 10, 2021

I have never seen such beautiful skies as those that come to us in Chania in the winter. From November into February, give or take a little, there are times you think you are encountering Shakespeare when you look up from your modest earthly viewpoint. Although that’s a little askew. What I should really say is that you feel you are encountering Homer, Zeus, Poseidon… Of course, we encounter the occasional beautiful sky at other times of the year, but, for the most part, the extended summer period (April to October) is spectacular for other reasons – bright, endless Aegean blue skies with a dazzling sun shining down on killer beaches. No question about that – that’s what most people love. And with good reason.
But as a weather enthusiast and a lover of extremes, I cherish the winter skies. They are filled with personality. They speak to you. They inspire you. They take your breath away. They change as you watch. Blink, as my grandmother used to say, and you’ll miss ’em. They remind you at every moment that you are alive on a mysterious planet of extraordinary, inexplicable beauty.
The original photos posted with this small text were taken in December 2019, January and February 2020. Those posted here were taken in the winter of 2020/21.
All text and photos © 2020 John Freedman. If you wish to reproduce, repost or use any of the text or any photo, please ask for permission. Copyright renewed © 2021.
