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  • Writer's pictureJohn Freedman


Updated: Aug 20, 2021

By John Freedman

Originally posted elsewhere April 8, 2020

Reposted with new photos on Contemplating Crete April 10, 2021

It’s not quite this stormy in Chania today, but there is plenty of wind and rain and waves and clouds. But other than walk to my window and look out over the sea rolling in at Koum Kapi and crashing up on the Sabbionara, I can’t legally do much about fixing the images for posterity. As the coronavirus quarantine continues (it’s been extended to at least April 27 in Greece), new restrictions are added from time to time. Just two or three days ago the authorities banned walks on beaches and boardwalks. I will admit I snuck out to the Koum Kapi boardwalk yesterday to shoot photos for about 60 seconds. But I’m not one to play games in this situation. I quickly got myself back to where I belong – safe in my apartment. I took the last photo below yesterday – all the rest are shots I have taken on stormy days – usually in late winter to early spring – over the last few years. I will let the photos do most of the talking today, but this I would like to say: There is nothing like Chania in a windstorm. The drama and the beauty of it are breathtaking. I stand at water’s edge and stare out into the wind, sea spray flying in my face, and I imagine Odysseus stuck out there, battling the gods and his demons. I pull for him every time. Odysseus, like Zeus and Poseidon, are constant companions here. And allow me this personal comment to close out today: All of the photos below reflect my thoughts and moods on the day that the great John Prine, one of America’s greatest artists of the last 50 years, has left us. John, may you have refuge from all storms from here on out. Rest in peace, John Prine. Text and all photos Copyright © 2020 by John Freedman. Renewed copyright © 2021.

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