Cherry Orchard. War
A Poetic Parable

Cherry Orchard. War is a poetic, cinematic parable about the times we live in, a time deeply scarred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The film consists of acting improvisations built on themes explored 120 years ago by Anton Chekhov at a time when all of the major participants find themselves in forced exile, and at a time when there is no artistic or any other kind of freedom in Belarus or Russia. It consists of actors’ confessions, and ruminations in a Chekhovian manner about problems faced by both individuals and mankind in general. “Can we speak about Chekhov these days? Because today’s Russia has discredited not only itself but its literature.”
This film is an attempt to capture the bitter taste of farewells in words that, at present, have lost all meaning. It is a merciless turning inside-out of generally accepted truths, and is an attempt to seek out new truths, as well as to try on new selves minus the sensation of homeland, and having lost the feeling of harmony in one’s soul. The film balances between farce, clowning, tragedy, and romanticism. It does not solve the challenges that its characters face, even as we join them in a journey through shards of confused thoughts toward light and understanding. Through pain toward the ability to feel.
The characters are perfectly aware that Russian culture has collapsed, as have any hopes of Russia becoming a democratic state. But for all the political problems and upheavals, people remain people.
They struggle and laugh at themselves. They nurture hope and seek faith in change no matter what reality indicates what is awaiting them.
Like Chekhovian characters they run as hard as they can trying to catch the train that is leaving the station.

