Behind the Camera

Oksana Mysina
Director, Editor, and Producer
Oksana Mysina is one of Russia's most accomplished actors. Splitting her time between work on stage and on screen, she has performed on Off-Broadway, Avignon, Brazil and in 20 other countries, and has appeared in over 40 films with many of Russia's top directors. She was the leader of her own rock band, Oxy Rocks, whose music usually finds its way into her films. She has won numerous cinema awards, including the Golden Ram Debut Award for her performance in Vadim Abdrashitov's Play for a Passenger. Her performance of Empress Maria in Vitaly Melnikov's Poor, Poor Pavel was nominated for a Nika, the so-called Russian Oscar. Mysina debuted as a film director in 2020 with Obizhennye. Belarus(sia) [Insulted. Belarus(sia)], a full-length political film based on the play by Andrei Kureichik. It premiered in Russia on TV Rain on November 15, 2020, and was named Best Experimental film at the Art Film Awards festival in North Macedonia in 2021. A follow-up to that film, Voices of the New Belarus, also scripted by Kureichik, was made in 2021. Oksana has made two award-winning shorts, Red, Blue and Asya, and Ivan Petrovich. She currently lives in Greece, where she is in the post-production stage with a semi-documentary, On the Road to Antigone, and a feature film, Woman and Angel, with Greek casts. Work on two more films, Napoleon, based on a script by the poet Viktor Korkiya, and Cherry: War, is ongoing. Mysina edits her own films, and is her own post-production team.
Oksana was born in the Donbas region of Ukraine and lived there for the first eight years of her life. She became active in the anti-war movement in Russia as soon as Russia began efforts to annex large territories of Ukrainian land in 2014. She has worked alongside such Russian opposition figures as Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny, and Ilya Yashin, the latter of whom she cast in her film Voices of the New Belarus. For her efforts, Mysina saw her work as a film and theater actor marginalized. Seeing nothing but danger signs ahead, she left Russia with her husband John Freedman in 2018, settling on the island of Crete in Greece. It was here that Oksana reimagined herself as a film director. Including works now in production, she has ten films to her credit.
John Freedman
Director of Cinematography, and Producer
John Freedman has been a co-producer of all Oksana Mysina's films, including Insulted. Belarus; Red, Blue and Asya; Ivan Petrovich; Voices of the New Belarus; and several films that are in production or post-production: On the Road to Antigone; Woman and Angel, and others. He is the cameraman for Red, Blue and Asya; On the Road to Antigone; Woman and Angel; and Escape.
In a parallel life as a writer and translator he has written or compiled a baker's dozen of books. His most recent, published by Laertes Press in January 2023, is the anthology, A Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War: 20 Short Works by Ukrainian Playwrights. He is the founder and curator of Insulted Belarus. The Worldwide Readings Project (2020 to present) and the Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings (2022 to present), which, together, have organized over 500 presentations of writers working in conditions of war and revolution in some 300 venues in 35 countries of the world.

Sergei Kuchmenko
Composer and Performer of music
Sergei Kuchmenko has worked with many top Russian musical acts over the last two decades. He was the keyboard player in Oksana Mysina's rock band Oxy Rocks. He has composed music for all eight of Mysina's films, past, present and future. In 2022 he composed the independent short musical compositions, Saga for Ukraine and The World on the Brink, portions of which were included in Escape.
Vlad Hetmanenko
Vlad Hetmanenko held down the second camera position, filming some of the landscape shots. See a more detailed biography on the Family page.