Lia Akhedzhakova is a living legend of the Russian stage and screen, one of Russia's most beloved cultural figures. She has performed in over 120 films in her career, She starred in several of the great films of the late Soviet period, including Irony of Fate (1975), Office Romance (1977), Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1979), Say a Word about the Poor Hussar (1980), and many more. She first worked with Oksana Mysina on Eldar Ryazanov's film Andersen: A Life without Love (2006).

Alexander Topuria is an stage and film actor and highly successful screenwriter for television. At Moscow's Novy Theater in the 1990s he performed with Oksana Mysina in several productions staged by the classic theater director Boris Lvov-Anokhin. He performed Creon in Mysina's production of Viktor Korkiya's Ariston. Alexander has performed in over 20 films, and has recently performed starring roles in Moscow's famed Teatr.doc.

Maria Buknis is in high demand among Russian directors making films for television in recent years, performing in over 150 films. She studied with Oksana Mysina at the Shchepkin Institute of the Maly Theater in Moscow, and played Dulcinea in Mysina's production of Viktor Korkiya's Don Quixote and Sancho Panza on the Island of Taganrog.

Talgat Batalov is just now embarking on what promises to be a highly successful film career. He began his career in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, acting at the world-renowned Ilkhom Theater. In the last decade he has made an admirable reputation for himself as a stage actor and director, often working in Moscow's famed Teatr.doc. He wrote, directed and acted in Uzbek, a one-man show that travelled the world's stages.

Anna Sirotina studied acting with the great Russian director Pyotr Fomenko. She has chosen an eclectic creative life ever since, splitting her time between cinema (a dozen films), theater, and journalism. She first worked with Oksana Mysina at the School of Dramatic Art in Dmitry Krymov's production of Tararabumbia, and Christophe Feutrier's The Imaginary Operetta.

Alexei Nesterov debuted as an actor in 1984 in the Russian city of Orlov. Politically active in Moscow in the 1990s, he worked closely with the famed Russian dissident Valeria Novodvorskaya. From 1994 to 2007 he spent most of his time in Germany, where he staged numerous productions in various Berlin theaters. Returning to Moscow in 2007, he began a career in Russian films that now counts nearly 40 films.

Vladimir Koshevoi is currently one of the top Russian film actors, with over 80 films to his credit. He has performed in several joint, international productions, including projects with Israel, Ukraine, the United States, Belarus and other countries. He played the lead role of Raskolnikov in Dmitry Svetozarov's 8-part film version of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. He first performed with Oksana Mysina in Oleg Menshikov's smash-hit production of Maksym Kurochkin's Kitchen, and in Gleb Cherpanov's political spoof I Take the Floor.

Sergei Shchetinin is one of Russia's top rock guitarists, and has played with numerous popular and underground bands. He was the lead guitarist and occasional composing partner of Oksana Mysina in Oksana's band Oxy Rocks. He plays himself in several scenes in Insulted. Belarus(sia).