Creative Team

Oksana Mysina
Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Editor, Sound Design
Oksana Myina's films are her creations entirely. They are her poetry. She selects actors, images, scenes, and sounds as a poet would words. And she puts them all together as a poet would a poem.
She wrote the screenplay for A Woman and her Angels 15 years ago with her friend, the great Russian director Eldar Ryazanov in mind. It never went beyond conversations, and when Oksana met Ketty Koraka many years later magic happened.
John Freedman
Cinematography, Co-producer
John Freedman has been a co-producer of all of Oksana Mysina's films, including A Woman and Her Angels, Insulted. Belarus; Red, Blue and Asya; Ivan Petrovich; Voices of the New Belarus; Escape; Love is Stronger than Fear, Cherry Orchard. War; and films that are in production or post-production: On the Road to Antigone, and others.
He is the cameraman for Red, Blue and Asya; Escape; Cherry Orchard. War; On the Road to Antigone; and A Woman and her Angel.

Sergei Kuchmenko
Sergei Kuchmenko was born and grew up in Ukraine. He moved to Moscow in the 1990s where he has worked with many top Russian musical acts over the last three decades. He was the keyboard player in Oksana Mysina's rock band Oxy Rocks, and he has composed music for all of Mysina's films, winning awards as Best Composer for his work on Voices of the New Belarus, Escape, Love is Stronger than Fear, and Red, Blue and Asya.
He is currently composing a musical for a theater in St. Petersburg.
Renata PÅ‚onka
Renata PÅ‚onka is an artist, animator, and restoration artist. Her paintings of Chania, Crete, are held in countless personal and professional collections. She was on the animation team of the Hollywood film, The Easter Egg Adventure (2004). As a restoration artist she has helped to restore numerous old churches in the environs of her hometown of Krakow, Poland.
She is the mother of Magda PÅ‚onka, who is featured as the She-Angel in A Woman and her Angels.